Past & Current Grants

WKF (The Werner-Kohnstamm Family Fund) is a donor-advised charitable giving fund located at Fidelity Charitable Giving. We do not accept unsolicited proposals or respond to inquiries soliciting donations. As of August 2023, we have been involved in giving for 14 years. With an initial endowment of $2.7million, we have awarded 235 grants with a total accruing to $5 million.

Summary information about grants we have made from this fund is as follows:

To learn more about any of these organizations click on their name below:


       Al Otro Lado—Support for assistance to asylum seekers and immigration policy advocacy. $5,000

       Alalusi— Emergency assistance to Afghan refugees in Pakistan. $6,000

       American Business Immigration Coalition—Advocacy for  eligibility for DACA recipients and other undocumented students pursuing college education and workforce skills development . $5,000

       American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU)—Support for advocacy for immigrant rights. $22,000

       American Immigration Council—Support for advocacy for immigrant rights and dissemination of up-to-date information on immigrant policy and implementation--$20,000

       Asociación de Mexicanos en Carolina del Norte (AMEXCAN)—Support for youth community service/learning program. $10,000.

       Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus —2016 support for broadening services to help youth and adults apply for DACA. $20,000.

       Building Skills Partnership (BSP) —for support use of its best-practice model of working with immigrant households to create a college-going culture and workforce readiness skills to improve opportunities for undocumented immigrants to apply for DACA relief. $40,000.

       California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation (CRLAF) —2016 support for additional legal services re DACA and naturalization. $18,500.

       Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc. (CLINIC) —for support dissemination of best practices for helping immigrants apply for DACA or DAPA by providing comprehensive services to help assure they can complete their application and move on toward full integration into U.S. society. $15,000.

       Center for Migration Studies (CMS) —Core support for its promoting public policies that safeguard the dignity and rights of migrants, refugees and newcomers (2016). $5,000.

       Center for Rural Affairs (NSAC) —Support for NSAC, a project of the Center for Rural Affairs, for analysis of federal policy regarding US agriculture and admission of foreign agricultural workers, followed by dissemination of analyses (2015). $10,000.

       Centro Binacional de Desarollo Indigena Oaxaqueño (CBDIO) —Support for Community assessment of needs of indigenous students and collaboration with Fresno Unified School District in identifying effective strategies to improve communication with parents, learning opportunities, and services for students, with ongoing core support, Financial grants with coaching and counseling support, to 11 indigenous youth from low-income households to attend community college and move onward in education and/or in personally-rewarding careers; and general and specific support for an ethnographic research project – Las Doce Famillias/12 Families - on the lives of indigenous and other Mexican immigrant families living on the edge, in Fresno county (2016 to 2018, a total of $310,000.)

       Centro de los Derechos del Migrante (CDM) —Support for continued services to H2B workers and other migrants. $56,000.

       Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative (CVIIC)—Ongoing general support for this network of immigrant legal service providers and collaborative integration partners. $40,000

       Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) —Preparation of a policy brief with an analysis of "future flow" policy options for immigration reform legislation and proposed framework (NAVA) incorporating a genuinely market-driven approach and pathway to citizenship for future foreign-workers. Dissemination of the paper. $40,000.

       Community Justice Alliance –Support for innovative program of community service and educational skills development for San Joaquin Valley youth seeking asylum. $8,000

       Community Tech Network (CTN) —Support for inter-generational program of youth volunteers providing computer literacy coaching to community members - to strengthen existing technology training resources, foster new computer skills and the ability to deploy them effectively to meet their specific objectives; and for program development. $146,000.

       "Define American," through a grant to Public Interest Projects —Support for distribution and promotion of Jose Antonio Vargas' film, Define American. $10,000.

       Education and Leadership Foundation (ELF) —2016 Support for CVIIC (Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative) to help foster services to immigrants throughout the Central Valley to improve their and their families’ lives. $275,000.

       Educators for Fair Consideration (now Immigrants Rising) —General support for E4FC and for the Ph.D. (pre-Health DREAMers) project. PHD provides information, advice, and peer counseling to help undocumented students interested in health careers to go on to graduate school, coupled with outreach and collaboration with universities seeking to become more immigrant-friendly. $70,000.

       Farmworker Justice (FJ) —Support for advocacy regarding the distinctive challenges farmworkers face in securing DACA or DAPA and coordination with other groups involved in planning for implementation of administrative relief. $160,000.

       Filipino Advocacy for Justice —Support for publication of David Bacon. In The Fields of the North. University of California Press, 2017, to promote understanding of the lives and pathways of farmworkers in the US. $10,000.

       Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) —Support for a information sharing and advocacy on behalf of undocumented Immigrants. Funding in 2014-15 supported a workshop by documentary photographer David Bacon at GCIR's biennial convention in the summer of 2014. $21,000.

       GreatNonprofits —Support for their work in support of reducing undercount in the 2020 US census. $30,000.

       Immigrant Defense Advocates—Support for innovative advocacy for immigrant rights and end of solitary confinement of prisoners and detainees. $35,000

       Immigrant Legal Services Center (ILRC) —2016 Support legal services and training in conjunction with Fresno CVIIC initiatives in addition to national advocacy. $968,000.

       Institute for Local Government (ILG) —2016 Support to work with local government to prepare for the 2020 Census by partnering with grassroots organizations to update the Census Bureau’s list of addresses in their community. $45,000.

       Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) —In support of their work in the Central Valley in defending children and families $42,000.

       La Clinica de la Raza —Continued support for counseling and mental health services for teenagers traumatized by personal experiences during immigration and integration into US society. $313,000.

       La Raza-Centro Legal —Continued support for Immigrant Nation-- collecting immigrant narratives and disseminating them via a multi-media platform, media events, and documentary video. $35,000.

       Latino Community Foundation (LCF) —Support for LCF to work with the Community Technology Network (CTN) to enhance their assistance to Latino families related to accessing on-line resources, and effectively using them to improve their lives as well as general support. $51,000.

       The Leadership Conference Education Fund — $25,000.

       Liberty Hill Foundation —Support for Cal Dream Scholarship fund to provide scholarship and counseling support to DREAMers; and small specific grant to Inner-City Struggle. $145,000.

       Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) —Support for the Immigrant Youth Scholarship Fund (DREAM Summer 2012). $24,000.

       Migration Dialogue —UC Davis, Migration Research Cluster conference on California agriculture– its sustainability, farm labor, and immigration. (2016, 2017) $3,000.

       Migration Policy Institute (MPI) —Support for policy analysis to advance immigrants’ equitable access to workforce skills development programs funded via WIOA and ongoing support for research. $59,000.

       Mixteco Indigena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) —Support for community leader participation in state conference on workforce skills development and ongoing general support. $14,000

       National Immigration Law Center (NILC) —Continued support for expert analysis of key legal issues related to DACA and DAPA, ongoing efforts to assure that agency guidelines for deferred action are practical and flexible, and ongoing efforts to assure that immigrants' initial steps onward and upward as a result of deferred action lead toward full social, economic, and civic integration. $245,000.

       National Center for Farmworker Health Support for innovative COVID-19 vaccination outreach to farmworkers and for information dissemination. $8,000

       National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights—Support for publication of photojournalist David Bacon’s book, “More Than A Wall”. $15,000

       National Skills Coalition (NSC) —2016 support to foster WIOA (Workforce Investment Opportunity Act) access and effective services to immigrants and others who speak English as a second language and/or are limited in educational preparation. $67,000.

       Not in Our Town (NIOT) —Continued general support, and, in 2014-15, support for initial production work in developing a documentary and social media campaign to address the problems confronted by communities such as Ferguson, MO. $206,000.

       Pacific News Service/New American Media (NAM) —General support for news and public affairs reporting on immigrants and immigration policy, Support to foster youth reporting skills. $146,000.

       Peace Development Fund —Support for ‘UndocuHealing’ Project. $5,000.

       Proteus —Support for a pilot bundling tutoring and counseling to assist in guiding people through the education and DACA application process, and their next steps after completion. $60,000.

       Radio Bilingue —Ongoing funding to support programming related to immigrant integration issues and civic engagement. $435,000.

       Red Mexicana de Organizaciones y Lideres Migrantes —Support for program training indigenous-origin immigrants to become trilingual court interpreters. $3,000.

       Social Justice Collaborative —Support for the Waking Dream Documentary series by Theo Rigby (, 2016. And, in 20117, core support for their deportation defense in the Central Valley. $20,000.

       Stanford University Board of Trustees —Support for scholarships for students graduating from the East Palo Alto Academy. $16,000.

       The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) —General support for Fair Food Campaign work to improve farmworker wages and working conditions, as well as leadership development. Additional support during COVID19 pandemic for innovative services to farmworkers $177,000.

       Transnational Institute for Grassroots Research and Action (TIGRA) —Support for expanded DACA outreach and immigrant integration economic support. $8,000.

       UCLA Downtown Labor Center (through the California Community Foundation and Regents of UCLA) —Continued support for DREAM Summer 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. $198,000.

       University of California, Santa Cruz Foundation —Support for summer internships for Center for Latino and Latin American Studies students working to build immigrant civic engagement in the San Joaquin Valley. $25,000.

       University of California San Francisco  Support for the UCSF Human Rights program and Scholars At Risk program. $40,000

       USF Immigration and Deportation Defense Clinic —Support for legal services for Central American refugees who live in California’s Central Valley. $10,000.

       Ventura County Community Foundation –Support for convening to disseminate information on building broad community collaborative networks to combat COVID19 pandemic to progressive agricultural employers and sustainable agriculture advocates -$16,000

       Welcoming America —Support for innovative initiatives to improve Census 2020 enumeration of immigrants and ongoing general support. $52,000.